
Showing posts from October, 2021

The Haunted Library of Professor Creepenham*

 *original airdate 10/31/1936 "Ah, welcome to my library. I'm Professor Spookense Creepenham. Can I get you anything? Tea? Coffee? A chilling tale of the unknown? Of course, I forgot to mention, this haunted!" THE HAUNTED LIBRARY OF PROFESSOR CREEPENHAM is brought to you by Clytemnestorhoffer's Lax-O-Fizz. Ease your business - with Lax-O-Fizz! Say, Professor, you're looking awfully slender this evening. "Oh, you're just saying that because you can see my skeleton through my ethereal robes." And a whole lot more, wowza! But what's your secret? "I simply mix two teaspoons of Clytemnesterhoffer's Lax-O-Fizz into a glass of warm milk or gin and unwanted pounds melt away like water out of a duck's back." Surely, you mean OFF a duck's back. "And I like the way the fizzy bubbles tickle my nose." Well, you heard the lady. Lighten your duties - with Clytemnestorhoffer's Lax-O-Fizz! Now back to THE HAUNTED L